
Students will participate in grade appropriate Mathematics classes catered to the student’s needs. Students are also given the opportunity to take high school level Mathematics courses in order to earn high school credit.

All students will have access to technology when appropriate for curriculum content. 

Classroom activities are student-centered, emphasizing concrete experiences and active/experiential learning that transitions towards a more abstract comprehension of the math concept. 

All courses have increased emphasis on problem solving, estimation, and real-world applications. Evaluation also includes alternative methods of assessment. 

All strands addressed in the Florida State Standards are developed across the Grade 6-8 curriculum.  Coursework shall integrate Goal 3 Student Performance Standards of the Florida System of School Improvement and Accountability as appropriate for the content and processes of the subject matter.

Course Title: M/J Mathematics 1 and Advanced

Course Length: 1 year
Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to continue the development of mathematical concepts and processes that can be used to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

Course Title: M/J Mathematics 2 and Advanced

Course Length: 1 year 
Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to continue the development of mathematical concepts and processes that can be used to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

Course Title: M/J Mathematics 3 and Advanced

Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to continue the development of mathematical concepts and processes that can be used to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

Course Title: M/J Math Pre-Algebra

Course Length: 1 year
Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to develop the mathematical concepts and processes that can be used to solve a variety of real-world and mathematical problems. Students have an opportunity to learn as mathematicians rather than memorizing facts and algorithms. Some students are already good technicians who can follow rules and apply those rules to routine exercises. Students go one step further, analyzing non-routine problems. There is emphasis on strengthening and developing skills and concepts needed for success in Algebra I.

Special Note: This course is for 6th or 7th grade qualified advanced and/or mathematically talented students.

Course Requirements: Teacher recommendation

Course Title: Algebra I Honors

Course Length: 1 year
Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to develop the algebraic concepts and processes that can be used to solve a variety of real-world and mathematical problems. Students have an opportunity to learn as mathematicians rather than memorizing facts and algorithms. Some students are already good technicians who can follow rules and apply those rules to routine exercises. Students go one step further, analyzing non-routine problems.

Special Note: This course has been designed for 7th or 8th grade qualified advanced and/or mathematically talented students who have successfully passed the Pre-Algebra course.

Course Requirements: Placement is determined by successful completion of Pre-Algebra, teacher recommendation.

Course Title: Geometry Honors

Course Length: 1 year
Major Concepts/Content: The purpose of this course is to develop the geometric relationships and deductive strategies processes that can be used to solve a variety of real-world and mathematical problems.

Special Note. This course is designed for 8th grade advanced and/or mathematically talented students.

Course Requirements: Placement is determined by the completion of Algebra 1, teacher recommendation.

**Students taking Algebra 1 Honors and Geometry Honors may earn high school credit after the successful completion of an End of Course Exam provided by the state of Florida