Language Arts

ENGLISH I                           

Credit 1                                 

Meets requirements for graduation.

English, I provides instruction in the Language Arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, language, and literature. It offers instruction in reading and vocabulary strategies necessary for comprehension of printed materials, research; the writing of effective paragraphs and multi-paragraph papers, with emphasis upon all stages of the writing process in timed and untimed assessments (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, publishing); speech instruction including formal and informal presentations; evaluation of mass media; the analysis of genres and the study of language in conjunction with writing, concentrating on conventions of grammar, usage, and mechanics. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.          


Credit 1                                 

Meets requirements for graduation.

English Honors I promotes academic excellence in English language arts through enriched experiences in reading, writing, viewing, speaking, listening, language, and literature. This course provides instruction in critical analysis of major literary genres. Composition instruction focuses upon using the writing process in creative, technical, and traditional academic modes. All phases of the writing process (timed and untimed) are addressed: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Formal speaking experiences are provided. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITE: Teacher recommendation.

ENGLISH II                          

Credit 1                                 

Meets requirements for graduation.

English II provides instruction in the Language Arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, language, and literature. Content includes instruction in reading literature and in vocabulary strategies necessary to comprehend printed materials; the writing of essays for various purposes and audiences, using literary and  nonliterary subjects; untimed and timed writings, utilizing all elements of the writing process where appropriate (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing and publishing); emphasis of applicable research; analysis of selections found in world literature; study of grammar, mechanics, usage and other conventions of standard written English in conjunction with writing; study of mass media, including analysis of propaganda and persuasion techniques; and instruction in speech, including analysis of effective techniques in oral presentations. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.



Credit 1                                 

Meets requirements for graduation.

English Honors II promotes excellence in English language arts through the study of world literature and enriched experiences in composition, speech, research, viewing, observing, and listening skills. This course provides instruction in universal themes found in world literature as well as in the critical analysis of various genres in that literature. Composition instruction emphasizes the creative, technical, and traditional academic modes of writing through the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing); frequent timed and untimed practice is provided. The study of language includes usage, mechanics, and other conventions of standard written English as they relate to students’ writing. Formal and informal speaking opportunities are provided. Vocabulary study is done in conjunction with reading literature. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITE: English I. B + average, Teacher recommendation. 

ENGLISH III – American Literature                   

Credit 1                                 

Meets requirements for graduation.

English III provides instruction in the Language Arts strands of reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, language, and literature. Composition instruction includes frequent practice in writing various types of multi-paragraph papers, including documented papers/projects. Referencing and summarizing skills will be stressed as well as all phases of the writing process (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). This study will include the analysis of representative example of American literary works in various genres, as they illustrate distinctive national qualities, and the ethnic and cultural diversity of the American experience. Vocabulary, grammar, and usage are studied in conjunction with literature and writing. listening, speaking, viewing, observing, researching, and writing assignments are related to the study of American literature when appropriate. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.


ENGLISH III HONORS – American Literature  

Credit 1                             

Meets requirements for graduation.

This course promotes excellence in English language arts through enriched experiences in reading, writing, speaking, viewing, listening, language, and literature. Instruction includes frequent practice in writing various types of multi-paragraph essays including documented papers; written and oral analysis of American literature representing the ethnic and cultural diversity of the American experience; and analysis American dialects reflected in the literature. Reference skills and methods of summarizing are taught in the production of documented papers/projects. All phases of the writing process are utilized where appropriate (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). Formal and informal speech experiences are provided. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.

PREREQUISITES: English I & II. Teacher recommendation, B + average

ENGLISH IV – British Literature                         

Credit 1                               

Meets requirements for graduation.

English IV provides instruction in the critical analysis of representative examples from British literature, as they reflect changes in the language and the development of the literary traditions of the English language. Writing experiences are structured to provide practice in real-life writing situations likely to be encountered beyond secondary school, including technical, creative, and traditional modes. Opportunity is provided to extend speaking, viewing, researching, and listening skills. Content includes instruction in vocabulary strategies and reading necessary for comprehension of printed materials. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of the course.


ENGLISH IV HONORS – British Literature     

Credit 1                                

Meets requirements for graduation.

English Honors IV promotes excellence in English language arts through enriched experiences in communication skills and instruction in the literature of Great Britain. Instruction will cover the written and oral analysis of major British literary works of various genres, in relationship to cultural influences and to the development of the literary traditions of the English language. Writing assignments will develop students’ abilities to interpret literature and analyze it critically. All phases of the writing process will be utilized where appropriate (prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing). Students will also extend their speaking, researching, viewing, and listening skills. Language study should include vocabulary and grammar in the context of literature and writing and an overview of the history of the language as reflected in literature.

REREQUISITE: English I, II, III, Teacher recommendation.  

ENGLISH I, II, III, IV THROUGH ESOL –(offered at select schools)     

Credit 1        

Meets requirements for graduation.

The purpose of this course is to provide integrated educational experiences in the language arts strains of reading, writing, listening, viewing, speaking, language, and literature. The content should include, but not be limited to, the following: 

  • using reading strategies to construct meaning from informative, technical, and literary texts
  • acquiring an extensive vocabulary through reading, discussion, listening, and systematic word study
  • using process writing strategies, student inquiry, and self-monitoring techniques
  • using speaking, listening, and viewing strategies in formal presentations and formal discussions
  • understanding and responding to a variety of literacy forms
  • understanding and using language successfully to impact readers, writers, listeners, speakers, and viewers


Credit 1                                

Meets requirements for graduation.

The course provides a study of the semantic, structural, and rhetorical resources of the English language as they relate to the principles of effective writing. Examples of prose from various field and periods serve as models of effective writing. This course provides a variety of writing opportunities that require the use of different styles and tones. Students develop individual writing styles adaptable to writing need in college. Students must take the Advanced Placement Examination offered by the College Board to earn AP credit on the high school transcript.

PREREQUISITES: Honors English II, Teacher recommendation 


Credit 1                               

Meets requirements for graduation.

This course involves students in the study and practice of writing and the study of literature. Students learn to use the modes of discourse and to recognize the assumptions underlying various rhetorical strategies. Students acquire an understanding of the resources of the language and an understanding of the writer’s craft. Students develop critical standards for the appreciation of any literary work and increase their sensitivity to literature as shared experience. Students must take the College Board examination for Advanced Placement English Composition and Literature to earn AP credit on the high school transcript.

PREREQUISITES: Honors English III, B + average. Teacher recommendation or AP English Language


Credit 1 (offered at select schools)                                      

The purpose of this course is to provide instruction that enables students to accelerate the development of reading and writing skills and to strengthen those skills, so they are able to successfully read and write grade level text independently.

Placement required for students who do not demonstrate proficiency on the Florida Progress Monitoring Assessment


Credit 1 (offered at select schools)     

The purpose of this course is to provide students who are native speakers of languages other than English instruction enabling students to accelerate the development of reading, writing, listening, speaking, and language skills and to strengthen these skills so they are able to successfully read and comprehend grade level text independently. Instruction emphasizes reading comprehension and vocabulary through the use of a variety of literary and informational texts encompassing a broad range of text structures, genres, and levels of complexity.