Foreign Language

SPANISH I                           

Credit 1                                 

Modern Foreign Language I introduces students to the target language and its culture. The student will develop communicative skills and cross-cultural understanding. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, beginning skills in listening and speaking with special attention to pronunciation. An introduction to reading and writing is also included as well as the fundamentals of grammar and culture.


SPANISH II                          

Credit 1                                 

Modern Foreign Language II reinforces the fundamental skills acquired by students in Modern Foreign Language I. The course develops increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills as well as cultural awareness. Specific content to be covered is a continuation of listening and oral skills acquired in Modern Foreign Language I. Reading and writing receives more emphasis, while oral communication remains the primary objective. The cultural survey of the target language-speaking people is continued.


SPANISH III HONORS                              

Credit 1                                 

Modern Foreign Language III provides mastery and expansion of skills acquired by students in Modern Foreign Language II. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, expansions of vocabulary and conversational skills through discussion of selected readings.

Students’ acquisition of grammatical concepts is strengthened by analyzing reading selections. Contemporary vocabulary stresses activities which are important to the everyday life of the target language-speaking people.


SPANISH IV HONORS                              

Credit 1                                 

Modern Foreign Language IV expands the skills acquired by the students in Modern Foreign Language III. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, more advanced language structures and idiomatic expression, with emphasis on conversational skills. There is additional growth in vocabulary for practical purposes including writing. Reading selection are varied and taken from newspapers, magazines, and literary works.


AP SPANISH LANGUAGE                       

Credit 1                                           

Advanced Placement Modern Foreign Language develops oral and written fluency in the language and prepares students to take the Advanced Placement test. Specific content includes, but is not limited to, content determined by the Advanced Placement Program guidelines.

PREREQUISITE: Spanish IV or mastery of Student Performance Standards corresponding to Modern Foreign Language IV and teacher recommendation. 


Credit 1

The AP Spanish Literature and Culture course uses a thematic approach to introduce students to representative texts (short stories, novels, poetry, and essays) from Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and United States Hispanic literature. Students develop proficiencies across the full range of communication modes (interpersonal, presentational, and interpretive), thereby honing their critical reading and analytical writing skills. Literature is examined within the context of its time and place, as students reflect on the many voices and cultures present in the required readings. The course also includes a strong focus on cultural connections and comparisons, including exploration of various media (e.g., art, film, articles, literary criticism).

PREREQUISITE: Satisfactory completion of AP Spanish Language