Community Involvement

The school will step to its responsibility by providing students’ a safe and diverse educational experience through the use of activities and programs such as the following:

School/Community Partnerships. Area businesses, not-for-profit organizations, public entities and individuals are committed to working with educators and administrators to assist in the children’s educational and career advancement. The community wants to support teachers in their efforts to educate our children in every way possible. 

Community Service/Community Spirit. The current terminology is “giving back,” but the concept is ageless. The school wants its students to feel not only from the community but also of the community.  Students need to learn early on their responsibility to their fellow citizens and to the integrity and well-being of the community as a whole. They need to learn the importance of contributing – and the personal and community value of doing so.

Community involvement is critical to success in education. Student participation in community service activities build awareness of society and a connection between classroom and real-world issues. Service Learning is a method through which students learn about and develop a commitment to addressing needs in their communities.

Community Service hours, as a graduation requirement, provides students with the opportunity to develop a long- lasting sense of responsibility to society. Students, who wish to earn a Standard Diploma, must meet the graduation requirement of 40 service-learning hours plus a written reflection. Students will be encouraged to use their service learning experiences as discussion or written topics whenever appropriate as a part of class assignments. All service hours must be appropriately documented.

Seventy-five (75) documented hours of service is one of the qualifications for the Florida Academic Scholars Program (Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program).

All students who have earned a total of 250 Volunteer Service Hours will receive a silver cord to wear at commencement.